Principal's Message

            Education plays an important role in the life of every individual. Education is not only the acquisition of  knowledge, information and skill but also the development of the mind which makes the students responsible and dutiful citizens. It also modifies human behaviors and attitudes resulting in the all-round development of the students. 

           Sacred Heart Arts and Science College – Perani, is a premier institution catering to the educational needs of rural students of Villupuram District. With its dedicated and devoted members of the Staff , our college marches ahead of others in shaping and moulding the students. Just as a gardener prunes and beautifies the garden,  Sacred Heart Arts and Science College refines the student-flowers.

          X.Malcolm, an African Revolutionary, has said, ” Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. To prepare the students for facing the challenges of future,  Sacred Heart Arts and Science College imparts higher education  in Arts, Science and Commerce making the students competent in knowledge and skillful in their respective disciplines. Creativity , Excellence, Innovation and Constant Update are the hallmarks of  Sacred Heart Arts and Science College – Perani.